Home - Patient Welfare Committee

The Patient Welfare Committee was constituted for the smooth functioning of our Patient Welfare Activities and has attributed a boost to our patient services and management. The Committee consists of Doctors of different specialties, representatives from the Administrative section, Social Scientist and Nursing personnel. The Committee co-ordinates the welfare activities of the patients who are undergoing treatment at this Centre. It promotes raising funds for the patient welfare fund from the general public and staff members of Malabar Cancer Centre-Post Graduate Institute of Oncology Sciences and Research. Majority of the staff members generously donate to this fund. This fund is utilized for the treatment/investigations for needy patients after proper assessment.


  • PMJAY (Pradhaan Mantri Jan Arogya Yojana)
  • KASP (Karunya Arogya Suraksha Padhati)
  • Cancer Suraksha Scheme (CSS) (children below 18 years)
  • Thalolam (Hematological non malignancies treatment scheme for children below 18 years)
  • Arogyakiranam Fund (children below 18 years)
  • Janani Sishu Suraksha Karyakram (Children below 1 year)
  • Kerala Social Security Mission
  • Karunya Benevolent Fund (KBF)
  • Snehasanthwanam for Endosulfan victims of Kasargod district
  • Comprehensive Health Care Project for Scheduled Tribe Patients
  • Prime Minister's National Relief Fund
  • Chief Minister's Relief Fund
  • Employees' State Insurance (Cashless treatment)
  • Patient Welfare Fund-MCC
  • Akshaya Fund for BMT patients


Patient Free Food Scheme:
As most of our patients belong to lower socio-economic strata struggling to earn for their meal, with the financial assistance from philanthropists and like-minded organizations, all in-patients are given food (three times a day) at free of cost. Malabar CH Centre provides Free Food Scheme since 2012. 

Patients Welfare Fund:
The Patient Welfare Committee co-ordinates all the welfare activities of the patients who are undergoing treatment at this Centre. It promotes to raise the money for the patient welfare fund from the general public as well as staff members of Malabar Cancer Centre-Post Graduate Institute of Oncology Sciences and Research. This fund is utilized for the treatment/investigations for the needy patients after proper assessment. Those patients who fail to get any Government assistance scheme are assisted with this fund.

Account Number










Hospital Library for Patients and Relatives:
A unique Hospital library for patients, their relatives and staff is functioning in the centre since 2005. The library is funded by Kerala State Library Council.

Free Home care Services:
Home care services are provided to patients staying nearby and who are unable to travel to MCC-PGIOSR for availing treatment. Medicines like morphine, certain palliative procedures are performed by trained staff. MCC-PGIOSR’s own vehicle is used for the purpose and no charge is levied for the services.

Drug Bank:
Apart from the above a Drug Bank is also formulated for collection of drugs from Doctors in and around Thalassery and also sample medicines issued from various pharmaceutical companies. Such medicines are issued free of cost to the needy poor patients, who are undergoing treatment from this Centre.

Free Transport System:
Renowned business tycoon and great philanthropist, Shri.Gokulum Gopalan and  donated a mini bus for transportation of patients to and from MCC-PGIOSR, which is situated on a hill top in the suburb of Thalassery town and Railway station of Thalassery. This is of immense help to poor patients.
Waiting area and resting area for Bystanders
Constructed using the MLA ADS scheme of Advt. AN. Shamseer, MLA Thalassery.

Dormitory Support for bystanders (carers):
Many patients come from far off places from various Districts. Their care givers need accommodation to support their loved ones. Most of them are unable to bear the expenses of stay in rented buildings or Hotels. Hence through MPLADS, Adv.Sathidevi was kind enough to provide a Dormitory, built within the campus. Here bystanders of in-patients are provided free accommodation.

‘AKSHAYA’- Financial support scheme for Bone marrow transplantation:
Bone marrow transplantation (BMT) treatment is highly expensive and not many patients will be able to afford the same. It is a state of art curative treatment for my blood cancers. But it has significant failure and death rate apart from financial toxicity. The Government sponsored schemes will not be quite enough to cover up the expenses in this regard. To help out poor cancer patients, MCC-PGIOSR has decided to set up a separate fund for meeting the expenses of patients in this regard. Donations from individuals, voluntary organizations, philanthropists are expected for raising this fund. The fund is proposed as a ”Ever Green”scheme. Monthly electronic transfer to the account of Akshya Scheme from the donor’s account through standing instruction to the bank is suggested to achieve the goal. Any amount is considered big and there is no limitations to the monthly transfer. It is desired to get a minimum of 10 lakhs per month through this method so that no patient shall drop out of the ambit of Bone marrow transplantation.