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Oncopathology Division

Division In-charge

Dr. Sangeetha K Nayanar

Professor & HOD
Phone - 0490 23 99 450
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Diagnostic services in the Clinical laboratory at Malabar Cancer Centre-Post Graduate Institute of Oncology Sciences and Research (MCC-PGIOSR) grew several folds from its inception in 2001. The Division of Oncopathology caters to diagnostic reporting of all registered cancer patients at MCC-PGIOSR. The final diagnosis of the type and nature of cancer is ascertained in the subdivisions of Histopathology, Cytopathology &Haematopathology. The techniques of frozen sections and automated immune histochemistry enable accurate and specialised cancer treatment and outcome for patients. The Division aims to be the backbone of dedicated cancer research in the upcoming field of molecular pathology, as cancer treatment moves into the realm of personalised medicine. It has the latest technology in Molecular Pathology aimed at providing complete diagnostic and prognostic facility. The division is situated in spacious premises to the new laboratory block which is on par with state of art laboratories in India & abroad. Innovative research which can translate into life changing modalities is our dream.

Division of Oncopathology conducts Senior Residency & two Institutional Fellowship programmes for post-doctoral candidates, one each in Oncopathologyand Head and Neck Pathology to foster specialized training and experience in the field. The faculty and residents are encouraged to do original research project and create academic publications and presentations. Undergraduate students pursuing BSc.MLT are given rotation posting in all divisions of the service laboratories. MCC-PGIOSR has been sanctioned two seats for DM oncopathology in the academic year 2023-24.


  • Services of  grossing on automated grossing station

  • Automated tissue processing and staining of biopsy specimens

  • Cryostat cut frozen sections and intra-operative reporting

  • Immunohistochemical staining on automated stainer

  • Diagnostic reporting of surgical tissue specimens 

  • Facility for Fine needle aspiration for OP & IP patients

  • Processing & reporting of FNA & fluid aspiration samples using Cytocentrifuges and the automated Liquid based cytology which has technical advantages over conventional cytology

  • Diagnostic reporting of Peripheral blood & bone marrow aspiration/biopsy samples with immunophenotyping on Flow Cytometry

  • Fluorescent In Situ Hybridisation(FISH) for blood, breast and soft tissue cancers

  • Archiving of tissue paraffin blocks & slides for future reference

  • Academic seminars and discussions for undergraduate & postgraduate students

  • Research projects and publications in collaboration with clinical and research Divisions