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Cancer Registry & Epidemiology

Department In-charge

Dr. Saina Sunil Kumar

Phone - 0490 23 99 246
Email - cancerregistry@mcc.kerala.gov.in

Sl Name View
1 Medical Records Division Read More

Registry is tasked with ensuring good quality cancer data available to inform and drive improvements in standards of cancer care and clinical outcomes, as well as enabling the use of cancer information to support audit and research programmes.

The department of cancer registry systematically collects, stores, summarizes, and distributes information about cancer patients who are treated in MCC-PGIOSR or live in a particular geographic area. These data describe the patient and the disease. Data collected include patient demographic information, cancer identification, diagnostic procedures, cancer-directed treatment, and survival. These data can be analyzed and the information distributed for the education of the medical professional and the community.

Statistical Consultant Services of MCC-PGIOSR: Click here for online applications and details


Sl Faculty / Staff Name Designation
1 Dr. Saina Sunil Kumar Lecturer
2 Mr. Jayadev G Medical Records Officer
3 Dr. Bindu T Lecturer in Biostatistics
4 Karthika O Medical Record Assistant
5 Dr. Ratheesan K Lecturer in Biostatistics
6 Nameetha S Medical Record Attender
7 Prachith K S Coding Clerk
8 Sheena E Data Entry Operator
9 Nisha K Data Entry Operator
10 Shibin Mathew Social Worker - HBCR/POCSS
11 Rejisha R Registry Data Entry Operator - HBCR/POCSS
12 Akshaj E Registry Data Entry Operator - HBCR/POCSS
13 Nijin P Social Worker - HBCR/POCSS
14 Lijina M Social Investigator - MPBCR Project
15 Nansy M P Social Investigator - MPBCR Project
16 Shahul Data Collector- MPBCR Project
17 Vishnu P G Social Investigator - MPBCR Project
18 Shilpa K P Data Collector - MPBCR Project
19 Sruthi P V Social Investigator- MPBCR Project
20 Mohammed Shafeer Data Collector - MPBCR Project
21 Athira M Registry Data Entry Operator - HBCR/POCSS
22 Sreesha S Data Collector - MPBCR Project
23 Kavya K Social Investigator - MPBCR Project
24 Aiswarya N V Social Investigator - MPBCR Project